I've tried about 5 gluten free brownie mixes now and some of them are much better than others. The best ones are strikingly similar. They are Trader Joe's brand and the Namaste Gluten Free Brownie Mix. They're chewy, they're sweet, theyre chocolatey, they're somewhat dense because there's no leavening but believe it or not that does not detract from the awesomeness. It probably helped them that I ignored the packages' baloney about vegetable oil and used real butter from pasture raised cows. Yep. It's good to have a dessert that doesn't thud like a rock if you drop it on the counter.
BTW, the Betty Crocker gluten free brownie mix is okay, but I haven't ever prepared it. I do like the taste of Namaste and Trader Joe's better. (Trader Joe's, if your people are reading this, your locations are extremely inconvenient for me. Please do your best to remedy this. No one else in the metro area does corn spaghetti like you do.)